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Pick a team URL

We give you a unique Clockspot web address, where you and your team would go to log in and track time.

Time card calculator with lunch

Calculate lunch breaks & time off with an easy time card system

Day In time Out time Break Deduction (optional) Subtotal
Monday : : hours mins --
Tuesday : : hours mins --
Wednesday : : hours mins --
Thursday : : hours mins --
Friday : : hours mins --
Saturday : : hours mins --
Sunday : : hours mins --
Total Hours: 0.00

At the end of the day, do you wonder where all the time went? You’re not alone. Most of us have only a vague idea of how much time we spend on the professional and personal tasks we tackle in a 24 hour period. Just imagine the problems facing a manager who has to track and organize the time of many, many employees. Unfortunately, unaccounted for time could mean lost revenue.

Something as mundane as tracking the daily breaks of your staff shouldn’t be a difficult process. Unfortunately most tracking systems fail because they aren’t readily accessible or easy to use. Even greater consideration should be given to employee absences due to illness, holiday, vacation, or similar reasons, whether they are foreseen or not. Certain states even have strict laws around employee pay and breaks / time off.

Although you might oversee and interact with your employees multiple times throughout a single day, correctly logging their hours accurately can be a huge headache. Instead of spending your precious time performing all of these tedious calculations manually, why not use an online time and attendance system that automatically tracks and calculates employees daily breaks and time off?

Using Clockspot simplifies the many daily tasks that can add up and overwhelm any manager, like calculating lunch breaks and other small periods of time-off during the day. Our system even includes custom rules for complicated California overtime policies that might come into play.

Your staff can clock in from anywhere as long as they have a connection to the internet, or have access to a landline or mobile phone. We track IP addresses, device IDs, caller ID, and GPS so you know exactly where they're clocking in from.

In the past, implementing this kind of software was expensive and required a big up-front cost and installation. Not anymore. Clockspot provides a dream list of features for a low monthly subscription. Get started today!