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GPS employee tracking

Seamless employee gps tracking with your timesheets

You don’t have to have your eyes on your staff in order to accurately track them. While still maintaining every bit of oversight, you can empower your employees with the responsbility to accurating track their time, project efforts, and attendance.

No more hassling them to turn in properly filled records at the end of every day. Employees track time using any web browser, cell phone, or landline.

Your staff can clock in from anywhere as long as they have a connection to the internet, or have access to a landline or mobile phone. We track IP addresses, device IDs, caller ID, and GPS so you know exactly where they're clocking from.

We track both caller ID and GPS so you know exactly where employees call from. You can also prevent buddy clocking by requiring employees to say their name before clocking in.

For a manager, GPS tracking has apparent value. The real world we work in is throwing curveballs at us left and right, and we need real time data in order to be able to make the right management decisions. Whether it’s backing up your invoicing with time-stamped location records or keeping your eyes on a wiley employee who’s on probation, GPS tracking is essential.

For employees, enabling them with a way to flip the switch on their time spent on tasks, starting and stopping lunch breaks, and the accountability of being at the proper location, lets them be involved in the accountability of their timesheets.

Now they can stop being interrupted from manager check-ins because they’ve already held up their end of the bargain. Workflow is streamlined & employees get a sense of fairness since they get a say in their reporting.

Whenever and whereever your employees need to go, Clockspot is ready to help.